Khiva, Uzbekistan, on Saturday, October 25, 2014.
Kids on bikes, outside the Pahlavon Mahmud Mausoleum.
Unlike the other mosques I’ve seen, the 18th century Juma Mosque has 218 wooden columns holding the roof up.
The room looks empty in this Hyperlapse, but I waited probably 30 minutes for a French family tour group with seven kids to clear out, who had been spinning and running around like this religious, historical site was a playground. (#smh) Afterwards, it seemed everywhere I went, the French Family Robinson was there, ruining the mythical vibe of Khiva. #ohmondieu
Pahlavon Mahmud may have been known as a great wrestler, but I don’t think he was WWE material. As I walk into his mausoleum, a prayer is in session.
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