This blog entry was originally posted on August 18, 2003.
Well, according to my countdown on , I leave in 61 days from the writing of this entry. Am I excited? Still, the answer is no. In all the trips I’ve taken so far, it never really phases me that I’m going on a trip until 2 or 3 days of actually being in the destination already. I don’t even get too excited at the airport because they’re all generic.
This past week, the balls are still in motion. I received my passport back from the passport office. I had them put in more visa pages into the booklet since I’m pretty much full from before. Now I have 24 blank pages for 46 entries, which is perfect since my country count for TGT2 could be 34 or higher. (Not that I’m one of those “country counters” you may have heard about. No, I actually like to experience things and never count a layover in an airport.)
Also, MY TICKETS ARRIVED!!! (Okay, there’s some sort of excitement.) I’m booked for my flights up to Cairo on various airlines. First up, an e-ticket on Continental from NYC to Quito via Bogota. Its weird because my flight from Buenos Aires, Argentina to Capetown, South Africa is on…Malaysian Airways. Go figure.
Two months to go, and I have many projects to finish up before I leave. Plus I gotta start planning my huge bon voyage party!
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Hey Eric- I signed up for paypal today, so I can contribute toward the cause. I’m excited for you. I emailed your ‘would you?’ video to two friends at work today. I love that and think you did a great job on it.
talk to you soon!
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 08/22 at 12:16 AM
Thanks Socal! Is your friend Darcy? She emailed me…
Posted by eeyartee on 08/23 at 06:14 AM
8-).I plan to email to the entire office the url of your video on my last day at work…maybe many more resignations will follow
Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 08/24 at 05:37 PM